
Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Write a Contract of Employment

The only way to prevent misunderstandings and to assure that both the employee and the employer are on the same page is to write up an employment contract. From duties to benefits, an employment contract must outline everything an employee needs to know to understand the role, responsibilities and compensation package, and to successfully meet the expectations of the employer.


  1. You don't have to have a written employment contract, but employees are entitled to a written statement of their main employment terms within two months of starting work. A written contract is safest!

  2. Absolutely Jenny, the employment contract is made as soon as you accept a job offer! If you start work it shows that you accepted the job on the terms that were offered by the employer, even if you don’t know what they are. A written contract can cut out disputes with an employer at a later date, and can help you understand your employment rights. You and the employer are then bound by the employment contract until it ends,usually by giving notice, or until the terms are changed.
