
Wednesday 28 April 2010


Business Plans help get the job done! By performing the necessary actions highlightted, you stay on track. It's easy to get lost in the day to day details. By reviewing the plan weekly, you are reminded to schedule time to work on the newsletter, to continue with the blog posting, to seek out public speaking engagement...s, to work on passive revenue products. Basically, focused action leads to success.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

cohesive strategy

Business Plans help create a cohesive strategy that takes into account all the parts of the business and how they relate to each other. Looking at the business in this way encourages elimination of parts of the business that don't relate to the greater vision.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Executive Summary

The executive summary previews the main points of your document and should contain enough information for the reader to get familiar with the full report without having to read it all. Keep your language strong and positive. Don’t weaken the executive summary of your business plan with weak language

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Business Writing

Properly written, a business document can give a positive reflection on a business and individual. Effective business communication can shape your company's reputation, improve productivity, develop clients and allow the company to run more efficiently.

Monday 12 April 2010

Writing your Financial Plan

It's at the end of your business plan, but the financial plan section is the section that determines whether or not your business idea is viable, and is a key component in determining whether or not your business plan is going to be able to attract any investment in your business idea.