
Sunday 28 February 2010

What is a Business Plan

A business plan is a statement of your business-what you want to achieve and how you plan to do it. It must outline the structure of your business, the product or service, the customer, the growth potential and the financials. It should inspire you for the future.

It is a blueprint of what you want to achieve and should give you a clear understanding of how you intend to get there. That’s not to say it should act as a rigid prediction of every future occurrence. You can’t control the future, and the outside circumstances will have an affect on the shape and direction of your business. But a good business plan should at least give you a clear direction to aim for.

Saturday 27 February 2010

Clear Communication

Properly written, business letters can give a positive reflection on a business and individual. Effective communication can shape your company's reputation, improve productivity, develop clientele and allow the company to run more efficiently

Friday 26 February 2010

Write it down and make it happen

Whenever you think of a good idea write it down so you don't forget it!
If you need something done by a certain time and don’t record it somewhere, you’ll miss it!
Write your experiences down. You’ll thank yourself later.

Contingency Planning

Every business can experience a serious incident that can prevent it from continuing normal operations. This can range from a flood or fire to a serious computer malfunction or Information Security incident. The management has a responsibility to recover from incidents in the minimum amount of time, with minimum disruption and at minimum cost. This requires careful preparation and planning.